
“Cecil don’t need no damn genres. He plays whatever the fuck he wants and it is always magical.

– Stephanie Sehar

“This is the ONLY musician I have ever promoted on Social Media. I find his music authentic, soulful and the kind I could curl up with on a rainy day (which we’re still having a lot of here in the Sierra Foothills) with a glass of Cabernet and listen to all day.”

The Wine Cork Girls


“Oh, man… this is legit; well-written, well-arranged, harmonically interesting, excellent musicianship all-around, and you clearly know your vocal strengths in both solo and harmony situations. Those open parallel fifths at 2:23 are haunting, and resolving through a minor seventh to that consonant sixth was good craft, dude. I’ve always loved ancient harmony, and this is it.”

– Michael Strausbaugh, MFA, Classical Guitar / Composition / Jazz Performance, University of Missouri, on “Without Wanting To”