‘Plush’ – a practice take I liked

Finally sat down and learned Stone Temple Pilots’ epic song ‘Plush,’ which has been a part of my life since it came out in high school. You couldn’t not hear the song, and it’s great, but I never learned it until recently (probably because I can finally sing it now). Anyway, spent all morning learning it. Recorded a bunch of takes to hear how my voice was sounding on it. I liked this one. Hope you like too. This was fun.

~ Cecil

‘Find Me’ (live)

Thank you so much to Keri Smith and Carter Laren for having me on Unsafe Space today to talk music and philosophy and even (gasp) cancel culture.

They were so kind to feature this tune, and so for those of you who are just hearing about me, enjoy, and please consider subscribing to my YouTube Channel.

Additionally you can hear my studio releases on Spotify, Apple, Amazon, and more – just search for Cecil Charles.

~ Cecil